Eternal Judgment


Eternal Judgment is the seventh volume in our Foundational Series.

ISBN: 978-1-937199-39-5, spiral-bound study manual, 63 pages

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Eternal Judgment is the seventh volume in our foundational Bible College study manual series.  It is one of the foundation stones of the doctrine of Christ (Hebrews 6:1-3).  This doctrine includes present judgment, future judgment, judgment of the righteous and unrighteous, God’s judgment of me, my judgment of myself, my judgment of others, the principle of rewards, the doctrine of eternal states, hell, heaven, the afterlife, God’s judgment of our work and our words, the difference between conviction and condemnation, the judgment of angels, nations, and satan, the principle of discernment, the judgment seat of Christ, the Great White Throne judgment, God the Judge of all, and how God judges.  There is so much to learn concerning this principle!  Our foundation in Jesus is not complete without a proper understanding of these aspects of Eternal Judgment.

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Manual Type

Spiral-Bound, Digital PDF