The Remnant Principle


This study manual on the Remnant Principle is part of our Revelational Series

ISBN: 978-1-937199-53-1, spiral-bound study manual, 92 pages

SKU: N/A Category:


The Remnant Principle seeks to show, without any question, that God is bringing forth a people in the last days that will be conformed to His image (Romans 8:29).  They will be without spot or blemish (Ephesians 5:27).  They will be perfect as His is perfect (Matthew 5:48).  They are a company of overcomers found within the body of Christ at large.  They are a people within a people who have given themselves over, completely, to the Lord and will be rewarded accordingly (Revelation 2:26-28). Consider, Jesus had the multitudes; He had the seventy; He had the twelve; He had the three (Peter, James, and John); and then He had the one (John) who laid his head upon Jesus’ breast and was the one God imparted the “Revelation” to.  He was the one, the Bible says, Jesus loved. There is a remnant, and by the grace of God and the great teacher, the Holy Spirit, we hope this manual will clearly establish this principle thus transforming your life and walk with God.  Let us press toward the mark for the prize in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Manual Type

Spiral-Bound, Digital PDF