This Women In Ministry study manual was written to give a Scriptural answer to the truth about women and their role in ministry. In these days when we are about to witness that last great move of the Spirit of God and the coming of the Lord Jesus, we need to have clarified for us in a Scriptural manner the truth about women and their role in church ministry. To do this, we must approach the Word of God with an open (unveiled) face (II Corinthians 3:18). The time for bias and closed-mindedness is over! We must search the Scriptures to see about this principle.
The purpose of this manual is to consider how many women there were in the Scriptures whom God used in a marvelous way. We will look at their contribution to the Kingdom of God, and how their ministry and lives affected so many people. My hope is that it will leave us with a true Biblical account of women and their ministry, how important they are and were to God’s dealings of women and their ministry, and how important they are and were to God’s dealings with His people. By seeing how, why, how many, and how often they were used, it will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that it is and always has been God’s desire for women to be used in ministry, as well as consider what life would have been like without them and their ministry! Hopefully sisters, as you see these women at work, it will encourage you in your own distinct calling and ministry. As we see how God used them so voluminously and how important their lives and ministries were, we will be left with no doubt concerning God’s will for women. As we see these truths so obviously laid out in Scripture, it will confirm once and for all God’s will and desire for women to be used mightily by God in the earth. It will put an end to skepticism, erroneous prejudices, and hindrances to women ministering, as well as expose the bias of the translators and the deep insecurities in men regarding keeping women in bondage. May God grant us eyes to see, ears to hear, and boldness to stand up for truth so that the other half of God’s creation will be once and for all loosed into God’s call. We will see what the Scriptures say they did, and will receive revelation not only from the Word in the circumstances of their stories, but by the definitions of their names, will open to us great and precious hidden truth, especially when we see them as types of God’s church and kingdom.
Finally, when we consider women in ministry, I believe the only conclusion we can come to (Scripturally speaking) is that women are free to minister. The world is waiting to hear the Gospel. Maybe the reason we haven’t reached them yet is because half of the body of Christ has been held in bondage! If we are going to experience His fullness, we need everyone that He has called to be fulfilling his or her ministry. “Rise up, ye women that are at ease; (not fulfilling your call) hear my voice, ye careless daughters…” (Isaiah 32:9-20). “The Lord gives the word of power: The women who bear and publish the news are a great host.” (Psalms 68:11- Amplified Version)