Scriptural Happiness


This study manual on Scriptural Happiness is part of our Present Truth Series

ISBN: 978-1-937199-45-6, spiral-bound study manual, 42 pages

SKU: N/A Category:


This study manual searches the Scriptures concerning true happiness.  Happiness and blessedness are synonyms.  This book seeks to reveal true Scriptural principles that define happiness.  You will see that happiness is a result of many things (32 Biblical causes in all) and some of them may surprise you.  Happiness is a result of God’s correction in our lives and of fearing God along with knowing the God’s joyful sound as well as many others.  We will define how we can be happy, and why we should be happy, and hopefully put an end to depression, oppression, and sorrow in our lives.

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Manual Type

Spiral-Bound, Digital PDF